Monday 26 May 2008

Bone Fractures - The 3 Most Common Causes for Bone Fractures

Bone fractures are often thought of being related to car accidents, falls or any other type of hit. Even an unfortunate slip can lead to serious bone fractures and even worse. Because of the different types of bone fractures, you should always see a doctor for proper treatment and rehabilitation.

The doctor is the only person that can determine the severity of your bone fracture and by using proper technology as X-rays and other medical methods, can determine the exact location of the wound and treat it accordingly.

Even though bone fractures can happen from numerous causes, the most common causes for bone fractures can be divided in 3 categories:

1. The first, and probably the most known cause for bone fractures is known as bone thinning or osteoporosis. Osteoporosis can lead to bone fractures because in time it makes the bones less dense by altering bone protein and other minerals. This increases the risk of bone fractures, because the bones become a lot more porous.

2. A special category of bone fractures is related to sports and sport athletes. Sport athletes are prone to bone fractures because of the higher level of stress and force applied often on the bones. This 2-nd bone fractures category is also known as bone overuse.

3. The third and probably the most common cause of bone fractures is due to falls, hits, different types of accidents (car, bike, mountain climbing accidents, or other accidents related to hobbies). All of these accidents of falls are very likely to bring traumas to one or more of the bones, leading to bone fractures.

For more detailed information about bone fractures and any other type of fracture, check out You can also grab a $19 report on first aid free of charge by just going to

How To Prevent Hepatitis A

In order to prevent hepatitis A, it pays to observe cleanliness. Don't just eat in any place nor buy food from street vendors. Cook food properly and wash your hands after going to the bathroom and before eating.

Have your water supply checked to make sure that it is not contaminated. If it is, boil it for a few minutes to eliminate whatever disease-causing microorganisms are present. Avoid sharing food and drinks with someone else and avoid intimate contact with someone you don't know very well.

If you already had hepatitis A, there's no need to worry. You're immune to the disease and won't be re-infected. But if you have yet to experience the disease, take note of the above measures.

Increased standards of personal hygiene have lowered the incidence of hepatitis A in many industrialized countries. But personal cleanliness alone is not the answer.

That's because you can also acquire hepatitis A if you travel to places where sanitation is poor or questionable. The risk, therefore, is great for non-immune travelers who go to areas where hepatitis A is prevalent.

"Even in highly-developed, low hepatitis A virus (HAV) endemicity populations who have all the advantages of good public health systems, high risk groups continue to exist. Those working in 'closed' environments, including prisons and institutions for the mentally and physically handicapped, health and child care personnel and the armed forces all require protection from HAV - as do the families and close contacts of those already infected," researchers said.

The problem was solved in the 1940s when researchers found that passive immunization or injecting gamma globulin into non-immune subjects protected them from HAV. Gamma globulin is a disease-fighting substance taken from the blood of patients who have developed natural immunity to hepatitis A. Once injected, it offers immediate protection to the patient and may make the infection less troublesome in those who have been exposed to the virus.

"I'm often asked by someone who has been exposed to hepatitis A whether they need a protective 'shot.' If the contact has been really close (like living in the same household, or working together at adjacent desks), I recommend gamma globulin by injection as soon as possible. This enhances immunity temporarily and may either prevent the infection or render it less severe," according to Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld of the New York Hospital Sloane-Kettering Cancer Center in "The Best Treatment."

The protection offered by gamma globulin, however, is only temporary. It lasts for a few weeks to two months, making it a less than an ideal preventive measure against hepatitis A. For those who travel frequently to high HAV endemicity areas, additional shots are required which can hurt both your arm and your wallet.

"The short-term nature of the protection offered by (gamma globulin) has led to serious compliance problems, particularly among non-immune travelers and long-term visitors to higher HAV endemicity areas, Many require repeated injections," researchers revealed.

A breakthrough in hepatitis A research occurred when two strains of HAV were made into inactivated vaccines. These two vaccines have since been routinely used for the long-term prevention of hepatitis A.

"The Food and Drug Administration has approved two vaccines for hepatitis A. These vaccines - Havrix and Vaqta - contain inactivated forms of hepatitis A virus and are safe for children older than 2 years as well as for most adults, including those with compromised immune systems. It takes four weeks for the vaccine to take effect, and you'll need to get a booster shot in six to 12 months. The vaccine causes only minor side effects, although allergic reactions can occur," said the Mayo Clinic.

To strengthen your body, take Immunitril - your first line of defense in maintaining a healthy immune system. For details, visit

Sharon Bell is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premier online news magazine

Stop Acid Reflux Now - Cure Your Heartburn With A Red Delicious Fruit

Can you actually stop acid reflux now with a natural cure? The answer is yes and you can actually free yourself permanently from the chains of acid reflux. Millions of people, including you, know the miserable symptoms associated with acid reflux: painful heartburn, the burning of stomach acid, gagging, chest pains, constant discomfort and even nausea. But do you really have to suffer with this the rest of your life?

You might have to if you choose to treat your acid reflux with antacids. And if you are sick of antacids, you are not alone. Not only are antacids only making the problem worse, they are only fooling you into thinking that you are controlling the problem.

When in fact, you are only damaging your esophagus and sphincter worse. And my dad was in the same situation as you are in almost 30 years ago. He suffered from acid reflux, heartburn, hiatal hernia, gastritis, esophageal reflux and bile reflux. He also had a nearly fatal stomach surgery that could have cost him his life. But after thousands of antacids and even a surgery, he found the best cure for heartburn was a simple piece of fruit!

Retracing His Steps- A Cure for Heartburn

How could he stop acid reflux now? It is actually a pretty simple story. My dad, Bob Barton, was a severe acid reflux sufferer. It got so bad that doctors performed a simple stomach surgery to repair the reflux damage. But because of complications during surgery, my dad spent the next year of his life vomiting at least 4 times a day.

He describes it as the worse year of his life. It was literally a living nightmare. Acid reflux was destroying his health and his life. And after countless attempts of trying to cure acid reflux, a miracle occurred...

My dad finally slept the whole night (this hasn't happened in a year)! Though he couldn't figure out why? After back-tracking his previous night, the only thing he did differently was he ate an apple. In the next week, my dad learned how to stop acid reflux now!

My dad cured his heartburn with a red apple. From then on, my dad has since been known as Johnny Appleseed because of his ability to carry apple slices everywhere!

Can an Apple Stop Acid Reflux Now?

Maybe the old cliché of "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" was right? And maybe it will also keep the acid reflux away? Though you might want to experiment, you have my guarantee that you can naturally cure acid reflux permanently. Many of my thousands of customers have fully healed and strengthened their esophagus and sphincter which keeps stomach acids in the stomach!

And in some cases, a red delicious apple will work! But there are numerous other natural remedies that have been proven to work by healing the esophagus and sphincter.

A Guaranteed Acid Reflux Remedy Report

An apple remedy from 30 years ago has launched a cutting-edge natural health business that publishes natural health remedy reports. If you are serious about naturally curing acid reflux and learning how to do it from the luxury of your home, please visit our Stop Acid Reflux Now website. We offer a researched-based, step by step Acid Reflux Remedy Report that is 100% guaranteed to work or you don't pay a cent. You will learn how to fully restore your esophagus and lower esophageal sphincter (LES) in less than 2 days.

Our remedy report's 97% success rate will guarantee that you will be satisfied and cured of acid reflux in hours and healed in days. To learn more please visit us today!

Trusted! 22 years of Experience! Guaranteed! Joe Barton and Barton Publishing offer you a natural health, research-based, step by step Acid Reflux Remedy Report that is risk free! To Stop Acid Reflux Now, please visit us today!

Stop Acid Reflux Now

Perfect, Sexy Lips - Do You Long For A Sexy Pout?

Who needs a sexy pout? My answer to that question would be almost 100%. Many women and some men desire to have fuller lips because poutier lips make them feel sexier and more alluring. More and more people are willing to spend a fortune on acquiring an 'Angelina Jolie' type of pout. Women are not the only ones who desire softer and fuller lips. Men with thin and hard lips portray a steely attitude that tends to put off women and plumping up the lips a bit makes men look more boyish, attractive and younger!

The size and shape of one's lips are genetically determined. Lips become thinner as one ages because as the man or woman ages the volume of the soft tissue dissipates and thus the tissues shrink. Lips have a generous amount of collagen and Hyaluronic acid which get depleted as one ages leading to thinner lips. Thus the lips become less attractive and vertical lines begin to invade the lips making one look prehistoric! To counter the thinning of lips various modalities of treatments are available.

One of the most common methods of lip enhancement or augmentation is the use of injectable fillers. Various fillers are available, some approved by the USFDA and some not. This method of treatment can be relatively expensive as one needs repeat sessions with a cosmetologist to maintain the fullness of the lips. The earlier fillers needed skin testing to rule out allergic reactions as they were primarily from animal sources. The more modern fillers are all synthetic and do not need skin tests. The most common side effects of these fillers are procedure-related and include bruising, swelling and redness. An alternative to fillers is the use of implants which are inserted into the lips. Some patients complain that their lips become hard and not soft and supple after insertion of implants. Infection, migration of the implants and asymmetry of the lips are common complications. A new technique is fat transfer in which the patient's own fat from the abdomen, thighs or waist is implanted into the lips. This is a safe modality of treatment but the fats do get absorbed thus deflating the lips eventually. However results are encouraging and patients do appreciate a more natural lip fullness that lasts longer than the fillers.

For patients' who are averse to surgery or using fillers there is a solution available - Topical preparations. These preparations contain a mild irritating agent like camphor, menthol or niacin which serves to dilate the blood vessels and also cause a mild inflammation that then translates into increased lip fullness. However beware of several fake products that are available which promise you the moon and leave you in a rage! An ideal preparation should be able to do two things very importantly: Moisturize the lips from inside out and stimulate the blood flow. The added convenience of being able to use the lip enhancement cream or gel whenever needed makes them an ideal choice over other expensive procedures like collagen injections or lip implants.

Sexy, fuller lips give you the irresistible smile that you often dream of. So go ahead and make those lips of yours 'Oh-so-kissable!"

Read more about how you can plump your lips on the go without surgery and fillers at Dr. Rajgopal's site

Feel confident, feel sexy, feel powerful today!
Try one of the trusted products rather than falling prey to fake products and make sure you grab the unbeatable offer!

From Curly You To Straight Do With Mini Hair Straighteners

Fed up with the curls you've got? Want to be like hundreds of other women who just have long, straight, lovely locks that tumble to their shoulders? Hate the springy things that seem to sprout up with a life of their own and won't lay down even with the strongest holding mousse you can find? Then you are definitely in the market for hair straighteners.

The thing to do when you decide what kind you might like, as in name brand, is to do some market research on hair straighteners. They all have good and bad points, but what you want to do is find one that has enough of the good points that make it workable for you to give it a try.

Price is also a consideration, so that is another reason to comparison shop online and in stores prior to making the purchase decision. Really, it's your hair and if you want to do something different with it, then go for the gold girl. You just want to make certain you don't go and buy something you will have problems with. For instance, you don't want to get a hair straightener with squared off edges (even if it IS cheaper than another model). Why not? Well those edges will leave you with kinks in places you'd rather not have them if you keep it in your hair too long. Kind of defeats the whole purpose of trying to have straight hair then doesn't it?

Here's another hot tip...beware how hot the hair straightener gets. This is important for two reasons. One: too hot will cook your hair and make it sizzle. That means you're cooking out what moisture there is in your hair. Two: having the iron too hot will dry your hair out even more. These irons get hotter than boiling water, and if you aren't careful you can do a lot of damage.

Another thing you might want to do before buying one of your own is ask around with your girl friends and see who else might be using hair straighteners and find out what they think of them. Then ask if you can borrow one for a short time to just give it a try. No harm done. And if you decide you like the results, then you can head out and buy your own model and have the straight do you've been dreaming about.